Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Essay on The Social Security DebateEssay Writing Service

Essay on The Social Security DebateEssay Writing Service Essay on The Social Security Debate Essay on The Social Security DebateIntroduction  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In William Domhoff’s book Who Rules America: Power and Politics, the author is focused on sociological analysis of important issues that help to better understand how class and power work in the United States. The information provided by William Domhoff allows the reader to critically assess the key skills of competent citizenship. Assessing two organizations, Booking Institution and Heritage Foundation, it is necessary to take into consideration social security issues discussed in the book. Social security debate involves different opinions of the effectiveness of the existing social security policy (Greider, 2005). William Domhoff has developed criticism of the organizational or institutional capacity of the U.S. political and business elite in shaping public opinion. William Domhoff believes that public opinion can be used to move social security policy only in the context of politic al agendas of powerful political and business elites (Domhoff, 2014).The Social Security Debate: Assessment of Two OrganizationsBrookings Institution1) The organization Brookings Institution is a non-profit public policy organization headquartered in Washington, DC. The organization’s mission is â€Å"to conduct high-quality, independent research and, based on that research, to provide innovative, practical recommendations that advance three broad goals: strengthen American democracy; foster the economic and social welfare, security and opportunity of all Americans; and secure a more open, safe, prosperous and cooperative international system† (Brookings Institution, Official Website, 2014).2) The political viewpoint of this organization can be characterized as corporate-conservative organization. Brookings Institution serves as an effective coordination mechanism.   According to Domhoff (2014),   â€Å"Brookings Institution is â€Å"mainstream or on the right wi ng†(97).3) Brookings Institution is a non-profit public policy organization. It is involved in the policu planning process. The organization has direct relation to the model of class, power and politics discussed by Domhoff in his book. Brookings Institution is considered to be a think tank in the U.S., which is focused on international development issues, domestic economic policy and social policy implementation.4) The views about social security expressed at the organizations’ website are different.   According to some experts, â€Å"Social Security is that action should be taken as soon as possible to close the projected long-term imbalance† (Aaron, 2013, p.1). It has been found that social security faces a crisis today. Researchers state the U.S. Social Security benefits are lower than in other developed countries. They claim that â€Å"the lifetime value of U.S. Social Security benefits is 40 percent lower than the average of those nations† (Aaron, 2013, p.1). According to the official information provided by Brookings Institution, social security policy launched in 1935, has provided millions of American citizens with the requires amount of income for retirement. However, today â€Å"more money is collected in Social Security taxes from workers than is paid out to retirees† (Social Security policy, 2014, p.1). However, the situation will be changes as â€Å"baby boomers† start to retire and the workforce shrinks due to the recession. The U.S. government provides various strategies to fill the gap, e.g. increased borrowing and taxes or paying fewer benefits.5) My own critical evaluation of this site is based on the validity of information provided by the organization.   The facts are properly stated and documented. The interpretations are convincingly supported by facts and other evidence, such as documents. The policy proposals are convincing.Heritage Foundation1) Heritage Foundation  is a well-known researc h and educational institution that was founded in 1973. The organization’s mission is â€Å"to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense† (Heritage Foundation, Official Website, 2014).2) The political viewpoint of this organization can be characterized as ultra conservative.   According to Domhoff (2014), Heritage Foundation hires â€Å"young ultra conservatives who are willing to attack all government programs† (97).3) Heritage Foundation is non-profit organization, which is involved in the opinion shaping process. The activity of this organization relates to the model of class, power and politics discussed by Domhoff in his book. The organization pursues its goals by conducting accurate research on significant policy issues, and sharing these findings with the primary audiences, including the members of the U .S. Congress, the staff members of Congress, the key policymakers, the nation’s news media representatives, as well as the members of the policy communities (Heritage Foundation, Official Website, 2014).4) The issue regarding social security is discussed at the organization’s website. The organization is focused on negative opinion regarding current social security policy. According to experts, â€Å"Social Security’s finances significantly worsened last year, according to the 2012 trustees report, because of a weakened economy and structural problems with the program†(Heritage Foundation, Official Website, 2014).5) My critical evaluation of the site is based on the information provided by the organization. The facts are properly stated and documented. The interpretations are convincingly supported by facts and statistical data. The policy proposals are clear and convincing.Conclusion  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus, it is necessary to co nclude that both organizations involved in the social security debate agree with the fact that social security faces a crisis today. Considerable changes in social security policy should be made to solve current social security problems. The U.S. government should improve economic system in order to develop effective social security programs, paying due attention to the U.S. demographics.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Understanding and Processing Keyboard Events in Delphi

Understanding and Processing Keyboard Events in Delphi Keyboard events, along with mouse events, are the primary elements of a users interaction with your program. Below is information on three events that let you capture a users keystrokes in a Delphi application: OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp and OnKeyPress. Down, Up, Press, Down, Up, Press... Delphi applications can use two methods for receiving the input from the keyboard. If a user has to type something in an application, the easiest way to receive that input is to use one of the controls that automatically responds to keypresses, such as Edit. At other times and for more general purposes, however, we can create procedures in a form that handle three events recognized by forms and by any component that accepts keyboard input. We can write event handlers for these events to respond to any key or key combination the user might press at runtime. Here are those events: OnKeyDown - called when any key on the keyboard is pressedOnKeyUp - called when any key on the keyboard is releasedOnKeyPress - called when a key corresponding to an ASCII character is pressed Keyboard Handlers All the keyboard events have one parameter in common. The Key parameter is the key on the keyboard and is used to pass by reference of the value of the pressed key. The Shift parameter (in the OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp procedures) indicates whether the Shift, Alt, or Ctrl keys are combined with the keystroke. The Sender parameter references the control that was used to call the method. procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState) ; ... procedure TForm1.FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState) ; ... procedure TForm1.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char) ; Responding when the user presses shortcut or accelerator keys, such as those provided with menu commands, does not require writing event handlers. What Is Focus? Focus is the ability to receive user input through the mouse or keyboard. Only the object that has the focus can receive a keyboard event. Also, only one component per form can be active, or have the focus, in a running application at any given time. Some components, such as TImage, TPaintBox, TPanel and TLabel cannot receive focus. In general, components derived from TGraphicControl are unable to receive focus. Additionally, components that are invisible at run time (TTimer) cannot receive focus. OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp The OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events provide the lowest level of keyboard response. Both OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp handlers can respond to all keyboard keys, including function keys and keys combined with the Shift, Alt, and Ctrl keys. The keyboard events are not mutually exclusive. When the user presses a key, both the OnKeyDown and OnKeyPress events are generated, and when the user releases the key, the  OnKeyUp event is generated. When the user presses one of the keys that OnKeyPress does not detect, only the  OnKeyDown event occurs, followed by the  OnKeyUp event. If you hold down a key, the OnKeyUp event occurs after all the OnKeyDown and OnKeyPress events have occurred. OnKeyPress OnKeyPress returns a different ASCII character for g and G, but OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp do not make a distinction between uppercase and lowercase alpha keys. Key and Shift Parameters Since the Key parameter is passed by reference, the event handler can change Key so that the application sees a different key as being involved in the event. This is a way to limit the kinds of characters that the user can input, like to prevent users from typing alpha keys. if Key in [a..z] [A..Z] then Key : #0 The above statement checks whether the Key parameter is in the union of two sets: lowercase characters (i.e. a  through z) and uppercase characters (A-Z). If so, the statement assigns the character value of zero to Key to prevent any input into the Edit component, for example, when it receives the modified key. For non-alphanumeric keys, WinAPI virtual key codes can be used to determine the key pressed. Windows defines special constants for each key the user can press. For example, VK_RIGHT is the virtual key code for the Right Arrow key. To get the key state of some special keys like TAB or PageUp, we can use the GetKeyState Windows API call. The key status specifies whether the key is up, down, or toggled (on or off - alternating each time the key is pressed). if HiWord(GetKeyState(vk_PageUp)) 0 then ShowMessage(PageUp - DOWN) else ShowMessage(PageUp - UP) ; In the OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events, Key is an unsigned Word value that represents a Windows virtual key. In order to get the character value from Key,  we use the Chr function. In the OnKeyPress event, Key is a Char value that represents an ASCII character. Both OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events use the Shift parameter, of type TShiftState, a set flags to determine the state of the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift keys when a key is pressed. For example, when you press Ctrl A, the following key events are generated: KeyDown (Ctrl) // ssCtrl KeyDown (CtrlA) //ssCtrl A KeyPress (A) KeyUp (CtrlA) Redirecting Keyboard Events to The Form To trap keystrokes at the form level instead of passing them to the forms components, set the forms KeyPreview property to True (using the Object Inspector). The component still sees the event, but the form has an opportunity to handle it first - to allow or disallow some keys to be pressed, for example. Suppose you have several Edit components on a form and the Form.OnKeyPress procedure looks like: procedure TForm1.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char) ; begin if Key in [0..9] then Key : #0 end; If one of the Edit components has the Focus,  and the  KeyPreview property of a form is False, this code will not execute. In other words, if the user presses the 5 key, the 5 character will appear in the focused Edit component. However, if the KeyPreview is set to True, then  the forms OnKeyPress event is executed before the Edit component sees the key that is pressed. Again, if the user has pressed the 5 key, then it assigns the character value of zero to Key to prevent numerical input into the Edit component.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Natural resource -Solar Resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Natural resource -Solar Resource - Essay Example In their analysis of economics of pollution however, the authors note that pollution is a side effect of practices that provide the human race with good things. The profound consequences of industrial production result in air pollution and discharge of pollutants into rivers through the manufacture of fertilizers. Therefore, this essay examines and discusses the social costs and benefits of externalities especially pollution and explains how solar energy can give solution to harmful activities associated with extraction of natural resources. The question of how much pollution that should be allowed takes everyone back to the evaluation of marginal social cost of pollution and also the marginal social benefit of pollution. Krugman and Wells (2012), define marginal social cost of pollution as the extra cost placed on the society as a whole by each extra unit of pollution whereas the marginal social benefit is the additional advantage to the society as a result of pollution. Conventionally, pollution carries along an external cost and yields both marginal benefits and cost to the society and these benefits are influenced by the decisions of the owners of the companies who determine how much pollution should occur in absence of government intervention (Krugman & Wells, 2012). As noted in this chapter, environmental costs of pollution are the most popular and essential example of external costs, which are usually uncompensated costs imposed on other people by individuals or firms. In the process of extracting natural resourc es, industries emit and also discharge harmful substances into the environment whose implications jeopardize human welfare. In order to minimize the effects of production, alternative sources of energy such as solar energy resource that are eco-friendly and sustainable can be opted. Since the sunshine is usually in abundance and free, solar energy can be the best alternative source of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Human Resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Human Resource - Essay Example It is important for all organisations to ensure that proper strategic human resource planning is implemented in their firm. Proper job descriptions need to be developed so that the right type of employees can be hired and all work operations take place smoothly. If Twinkle Toe proper makes investments of time on the recruitment and selection policies, then the right staff can be hired and the day care may face success. Training and career planning for employees is a very important element for remaining a competitive firm. Twinkle Toe has been suggested to implement training programs so that employee performance can improve. Career progression is important for employees as they look forward for achieving growth and success in their career life, therefore Twinkle Toe needs to provide the career progression opportunities for its employees so that they remain interested in working with the day care centre. The industry of the day care centre is booming due to the increase in the number of women who are willing to walk through their career paths without it being distracted by their personal family lives. The industry includes a number of day care centres, each with their own idea of how the children should be brought up or the importance of having children to develop their skills around other children. A major concern for the parents is to find the right day care that they can afford. All day care centres are not that affordable for every parent and hence, they do consider other alternatives such as hiring help within their own home, which has its own risks as well. The risks of hiring a babysitter at home and actually having the child admitted at a day care centre must be evaluated before a final decision is made. Another concern for the parents is the minds of their children. The minds of the children at the age of five tend to be like a sponge where they can absorb absolutely all facts and figures that they are

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Richard Cory Essay Example for Free

Richard Cory Essay In the poem, Richard Cory is believed to be superior in contrast to the working people. The poem states, â€Å"Whenever Richard Cory went down town, we people on the pavement looked at him† (754). The working people had very little money and work consistently to survive, â€Å"So on we worked, and waited for the light, and went without the meat, and cursed the bread† (755). The people admired Richard Cory and wished to one day have the same wealth as Richard Cory, â€Å"And he was rich—yes, richer than a king† (755). Richard Cory is well-presented, and the people described Richard Cory appearance as â€Å"Cleaned favored, an imperially slim† (754). In the poem, the people also described Richard Cory as a â€Å"gentleman from sole to crown† (754) and â€Å"And admirably schooled in every grace† (755). Richard Cory symbolized everything a working man strived to accomplish, â€Å"To make us wish that we were in his place† (755). In the poem, the people represent the lower working-class and Richard Cory represents the higher level of society. The people hope to one day become like Richard Cory through hard work and determination. In the poem, clearly the people think Richard Cory has the perfect life and have no knowledge of the struggles Richard Cory faces. Throughout the poem, the reader believes that Richard Cory is a legendary man. Richard Cory is depicted as a man who kept to himself, the poem states, â€Å"He was always quietly arrayed† (754). In the poem, the people also portray Richard Cory as down to earth, it states, â€Å"He was always human when he talked† (754). Richard Cory did not believe he was better than anyone else; he was humble. Richard Cory is also noticeable, the people stated, â€Å"He glittered when he walked† (754). Everyone held Richard Cory as in higher figure, so ending of the poem is surprising. The last line of the poem states, â€Å"Went home and put a bullet through his head† (755). The ending of the poem is shocking to the reader; the reader is not expecting Richard Cory to commit suicide. The poem describes Richard Cory in a graceful manner, and t he reader would not assume the ending. The people describe a two-dimensional Richard Cory. Throughout the poem, the people simply analyze Richard Cory appearance and do not understand the inner being of Richard Cory. In the poem, the reader is concealed to the instability that Richard Cory encountered that caused his suicide. The reader perceives Richard Cory as an ideal man and is not aware of the difficulties Richard Cory battles internally. After Richard Cory’s suicide the poem ends, but the poem indicates that the people learn from Richard Cory’s death. In the poem, the people realize that Richard Cory’s life was not as fascinating as they expected, the poem states that, â€Å"We thought that he was everything to make us wish that we were in his place† (755). The people believe that Richard Cory is a magnificent man because of his appearance. However, the people never really understand what is going on in the life of Richard Cory; the people did not understand the struggles Richard Cory exp eriences inside. The reason Richard Cory commits suicide is insignificant because the reader still can interpret the message that the appearance of a person can be misleading. In life, there are always subject matters in which things seem better than what they are. Everyone in some aspect has impairments that halt their progression to find life’s satisfactions. Richard Corey had everything a person can dream of such as his class and wealth. He also had intangibles that many envied such as humility and appearance. These qualities do not guarantee instantaneous happiness, as depicted in the poem. Happiness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Meaning what a person may find satisfying or joyous, does not correlate with the rest of the population. Everyone has his or her own idea of happiness. In the poem, the working class admires what Richard Cory possesses. The process in which Richard Cory gained his wealth in unknown, along with what he may have loss within his conquest to establish his wealth. Success is impossible to measure because success varies from person to person. It is also impossible to draw conclusions on the reasons that he committed suicide other than each conclusion has an underlining theme of unhappiness. The people in the poem could not fathom on why he committed suicide. They viewed him as an icon and an epitome of success. Through his death, Richard Cory made the working people look at their lives in retrospect to see what would make them happy. The working people stated that he committed suicide on a summer night. Usually summer nights are filled with fun and extravagant things, for someone to commit suicide; they would have to feel as cold as winter on the inside. Wealth and stature did not have the same meaning to Richard Cory as wealth meant to the working class. Richard Cory found that he did not see the beauty of life and was not happy, so he committed suicide. Edwin Arlington Robinson wants readers to look at their lives and determine what makes his or her life joyful and learn from Richard Cory’s death. Social and financial status is not what determines happiness, but, rather the gift of happiness and life. We people on the pavement looked at him He was a gentleman from sole to crown, Clean favored, and imperially slim. The poem is rich in language use. The poet does not employ many poetic devices, no metaphor, no simile, no symbolism, but still the words have resonance, even though the poem is quite literal. For example, in the first line, â€Å"Whenever Richard Cory went down town,† sets up the dichotomy that holds throughout the poem. If Richard Cory went down town, he must have previously been up town, indicating a wealthy residential neighborhood; whereas â€Å"down town† suggests the business district where apartment dwellers and the working class reside. The main thrust of this poem suggests the differences between the wealthy and the less-well-off. The speaker of the poem belongs to the latter class, and the poem clearly draws distinctions between â€Å"us† and â€Å"him† (Richard Cory). In the second line, â€Å"We people on the pavement† suggests a lower class: we looked up to him as well as merely staring at him as â€Å"looked at him† indicates. The third and fourth lines offer the first description of Richard Cory: the term â€Å"gentleman† continues the division being drawn between the two socio-economic classes. A â€Å"gentleman† belongs to the gentry or higher socio-economic class than simply â€Å"a man.† Then by claiming that Cory demonstrated this gentlemanly quality from â€Å"sole to crown,† the speaker is emphasizing how entirely kingly this Cory was. â€Å"Sole† simply refers to his shoes, but â€Å"crown,† meaning the top of his head, also produces a pun or a double meaning, including the kind of head-gear a king would wear. This pun is one of the few actual figurative uses of languages used in this poem. Second Stanza And he was always quietly arrayed, And he was always human when he talked; But still he fluttered pulses when he said, Good-morning, and he glittered when he walked. The speaker of this poem is careful to make sure his listeners understand that Richard Cory was just a really nice guy. He did not look down on the common folk; he did not behave arrogantly; he spoke to people the way the speaker would expect him to, â€Å"he was always human when he talked.† Cory seemed very friendly, affable, happy, just like the common working-class stiffs only better looking and richer. Even though Cory was â€Å"quietly arrayed,† not arrogant or haughty, and even though he chatted like a regular guy, still he made people a little nervous when he addressed them, and he looked like gold as he passed by. We must remember that the speaker is a little obsessed with Richard Cory’s behavior and appearance, so while the speaker wants us to realize that Cory was a nice man who would chat with the common folk, still his manner and appearance had an effect on people. Third Stanza And he was rich—yes, richer than a king, And admirably schooled in every grace: In fine, we thought that he was everything To make us wish that we were in his place. In this stanza, the speaker tells us quite plainly that Richard Cory was rich, but the speaker also exaggerates Cory’s wealth by saying he was â€Å"richer than a king.† And at this point, we can be sure the speaker is, indeed, referring to money, not personality and a successful life, because in the next line, the speaker informs us that Cory was educated in every respect; Cory had knowledge as well as good behavior. The next two lines reveal again that it is the common folk, â€Å"we,† of which the speaker is part who are making these observations and drawing these conclusions about Richard Cory. They conclude that Cory had everything a human being should have and everything they were striving for. They wished they were Richard Cory. Fourth Stanza So on we worked, and waited for the light, And went without the meat, and cursed the bread; And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, Went home and put a bullet through his head. The first two lines of the last stanza once more demonstrate the differences between the two socio-economic classes appearing the poem: the common working-class folk who admired the wealth and style of Richard Cory struggled on and on, striving for the day when they too could be like him. Not only did they work hard, but they also sacrificed because they could not buy everything they wanted, and they complained about the low quality of the things they could afford. And then we come to the last two lines that shock and startle so: Richard Cory, the man who has everything, the man who was everything that these hard working folk wanted to be—this icon of success and happiness—kills himself. We can certainly take from this poem the old adage that appearances are deceiving, but we get much more than that, if we look closely. The poet, Edwin Arlington Robinson, has composed nearly perfect poem in its truth about life, its sense of the nature of human personalities, its rhythm , its rime scheme, and it does all this while remaining quite literal without one metaphor or simile. In the poem, Richard Cory is believed to be superior in contrast to the working people. The poem states, â€Å"Whenever Richard Cory went down town, we people on the pavement looked at him† (754). The working people had very little money and work consistently to survive, â€Å"So on we worked, and waited for the light, and went without the meat, and cursed the bread† (755). The people admired Richard Cory and wished to one day have the same wealth as Richard Cory, â€Å"And he was rich—yes, richer than a king† (755). Richard Cory is well-presented, and the people described Richard Cory appearance as â€Å"Cleaned favored, an imperially slim† (754). In the poem, the people also described Richard Cory as a â€Å"gentleman from sole to crown† (754) and â€Å"And admirably schooled in every grace† (755). Richard Cory symbolized everything a working man strived to accomplish, â€Å"To make us wish that we were in his place† (755). In the poem, the people represent the lower working-class and Richard Cory represents the higher level of society. The people hope to one day become like Richard Cory through hard work and determination. In the poem, clearly the people think Richard Cory has the perfect life and have no knowledge of the struggles Richard Cory faces. Throughout the poem, the reader believes that Richard Cory is a legendary man. Richard Cory is depicted as a man who kept to himself, the poem states, â€Å"He was always quietly arrayed† (754). In the poem, the people also portray Richard Cory as down to earth, it states, â€Å"He was always human when he talked† (754). Richard Cory did not believe he was better than anyone else; he was humble. Richard Cory is also noticeable, the people stated, â€Å"He glittered when he walked† (754). Everyone held Richard Cory as in higher figure, so ending of the poem is surprising. The last line of the poem states, â€Å"Went home and put a bullet through his head† (755). The ending of the poem is shocking to the reader; the reader is not expecting Richard Cory to commit suicide. The poem describes Richard Cory in a graceful manner, and the reader would not assume the ending. The people describe a two-dimensional Richard Cory. Throughout the poem, the people simply analyze Richard Cory appearance and do not understand the inner being of Richard Cory. In the poem, the reader is concealed to the instability that Richard Cory encountered that caused his suicide. The reader perceives Richard Cory as an ideal man and is not aware of the difficulties Richard Cory battles internally. After Richard Cory’s suicide the poem ends, but the poem indicates that the people learn from Richard Cory’s death. In the poem, the people realize that Richard Cory’s life was not as fascinating as they expected, the poem states that, â€Å"We thought that he was everything to make us wish that we were in his place† (755). The people believe that Richard Cory is a magnificent man because of his appearance. However, the people never really understand what is going on in the life of Richard Cory; the people did not understand the struggles Richard Cory experiences inside. The reason Richard Cory commits suicide is insignificant because the reader still can interpret the message that the appearance of a person can be misleading. In life, there are always subject matters in which things seem better than what they are. Everyone in some aspect has impairments that halt their progression to find life’s satisfactions. Richard Corey had everything a person can dream of such as his class and wealth. He also had intangibles that many envied such as humility and appearance. These qualities do not guarantee instantaneous happiness, as depicted in the poem. Happiness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Meaning what a person may find satisfying or joyous, does not correlate with the rest of the population. Everyone has his or her own idea of happiness. In the poem, the working class admires what Richard Cory possesses. The process in which Richard Cory gained his wealth in unknown, along with what he may have loss within his conquest to establish h is wealth. Success is impossible to measure because success varies from person to person. It is also impossible to draw conclusions on the reasons that he committed suicide other than each conclusion has an underlining theme of unhappiness. The people in the poem could not fathom on why he committed suicide. They viewed him as an icon and an epitome of success. Through his death, Richard Cory made the working people look at their lives in retrospect to see what would make them happy. The working people stated that he committed suicide on a summer night. Usually summer nights are filled with fun and extravagant things, for someone to commit suicide; they would have to feel as cold as winter on the inside. Wealth and stature did not have the same meaning to Richard Cory as wealth meant to the working class. Richard Cory found that he did not see the beauty of life and was not happy, so he committed suicide. Edwin Arlington Robinson wants readers to look at their lives and determine what makes his or her life joyful and learn from Richard Cory’s death. Social and financial status is not what determines happiness, but, rather the gift of happiness and life. To me the poem illustrates that it is important to be happy with the life your living and not assume that just because someone has money, they are better off.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Reservior Dogs Essay -- essays research papers

Joe Egan and Gerry Rafferty were a duo known as Stealers Wheel when they recorded a Dylanesque pop hit, "Stuck in the Middle With You", in April of 1974. The single reached number five on the charts - little did they know that eighteen years later it would become a cult favorite. In 1992 Quentin Tarantino, a little known writer/director, took the Cannes film festival and the world by surprise with his motion picture Reservoir Dogs. The movie is about the difficulties that occur when five "master" criminals are hired by a crime king pin named Joe to pull off the biggest diamond heist of the century. Stuck right in the middle of the movie, the Egan/Rafferty hit is played as a introduction to one of the best or worst torture seens ever in the history of movies. It depends on how you look at it. I'll set-up the scene in the movie where it is being played, try and follow me... The five criminals hired go by color-coded names . During the heist the cops show and things got out of control. Two of the robbers were shot and killed after Mr. Blonde, the "on the edge" gangster started shooting up the place when an employee triggered the alarm. Mr. White and Mr. Orange (an undercover cop) escaped the scene and headed for the hideout where all the men were supposed to meet. On the way to the hideout Mr. Orange was shot, he was bleeding severely but the injury was not life threatening. Shortly after their arrival, Mr. Pink met with them and they all anxiousley waited for Mr. Blonde. Mr. Blonde, acting cool and unaffected by the mornings events, made his entrance. After being questioned by Mr. White about why he went psycho in the store, Mr. Blonde called them out to see a "surprise" he had in his trunk. Mr. Blonde in an effort to find out how the police heard about the robbery in advance had kidnapped a police officer. They carried the man into the warehouse and after tying him to a chair Mr. White and Mr. Pink commenced beating the hell out of him. They Asked him to tell how the police knew of the heist, he said he knew nothing and after beating on him some more, Nice Guy Eddie came in. He was Joe's son and told Mr. White and Mr. Pink that they would have to come with him to ditch the cars. Mr. Blonde was told to stay and keep an eye on the... ...t's about as cinematic a thing as you can do. You're really doing what movies do better than any other art form. It works in this visceral, emotional, cinematic way that's special. And when you do it right and you hit it right, then you can never really hear that song again without thinking about that image from the movie. That's what comercials are counting on, but it never quite works with commercials. The thing is, once a movie has done that with a song, as far as I'm concerned that movie owns it. I mean, they've used "Stand By Me" so many times, but to me the one that used "Stand By Me" that way was The Wanderers. They play "Stand By Me" as the lead character, Ken Wahl, realizes that JFK has been shot. And it's perfect." I couldn't agree more with what Tarentino is saying. His movies especially draw upon music to make the scenes flow together in a surreal, inspiring style. What more can a movie connoisseur like myself ask for in a movie? As Tarentino says "Stand By Me" is perfect in The Wanderers, I say "Stuck in the Middle With You" is perfect in Resovoir Dogs.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nursing Field

Christina Leach Term paper November 9, 2010 English 8 Credit Recovery I. Introduction A. Why I have chosen this career? 1. Interested in this field 2. The helping of others II. The job A. Requirements 1. Schooling 2. Volunteer hours B. Expectations 1. Practice III. Different fields & pay rates A. Kinds of nurses B. There requirements (what extra classes they may need to take) C. The pay rates for different fields of nursing. Becoming a nurse or helping people has always been something I’ve enjoyed most, this is why I’ve chosen nursing as an interest in my life.The thing that made me interested in this field, I would have to say: the parts of making someone feel better; I especially would like to work with elderly, and disable people, and children. Something else that may have persuaded me in this direction would have to be my older sister, this is something that she enjoys doing as a career and she tells me how she enjoys making a difference in people life and helping e lderly and disable people.Another reason is that I have worked with a disable person before as a part time job and this was something I liked doing because you never know what to expect out of a days work and there’s something new that you learn day by day. There are many types of nurses in the field, to name a few they are: practice nurses, clinical nurses, specialists, nurse anesthetists, nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners all these nurses require a master’s degree. The type of nurse I would like to become or that I am interested in are the ones I am going to write about here starting with a CNA (Certified Nurse Assistance). University of Phoenix 1). What is a certified Nurse Assistant? A Certified Nurse Assistant is a nurse assistant or nursing aide who has undergone training programs and successfully earned a certificate. Upon completing this program, a certified nurse assistant is placed on the state’s registry of nursing aides. CNA provides direct pati ent care both medical and non0medica; they are also supervises by registered nurses and often by assists LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) in a hospital setting.A certified nurse work duties may include the following: taking vital signs, helping with some medical procedures, assisting patients while walking or using the rest room, tidying patients rooms, answering call lights, making beds, delivering messages, mentoring patient and reporting changes in the patients mood or the different way they may act, collecting samples for setting, providing patient hygiene, feeding or dressing the patients and also record the patients in and out put. They may work in different kinds of facilities like hospitals, out patient facilities, long term care facilities, and clinics and in home care.One of the other types of nurses I would like to talk about is LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse). An LPN are the certified healthcare providers who are responsible for providing basic patient care, working under t he supervision of the physicians and registered nurses. Both provide services in all kinds of health care facilities such as private and public hospitals, offices of doctors, small healthcare settings and many other places like this. Something else that they are required to do is carry out their job duties under the supervision of either an RN or a certified doctor.An LPN has to collect information from the patients to admit them; regarding medical records, medical insurance details and any other pretreatments formalities. A LPN is the one who records health details of the patients, which usually comprise blood pressure, body temperature, respiration and heart beat rate and other vital signs. The next one I would like to talk about is an RN. Registered nurses work duties but may vary depending on the specialty; however in most cases the nurse is responsible for the daily care of any admitted patient.This can include medication settings, IVs, giving shots, updating records, providing educational support, basic diagnostics, and any other patient procedures. Physically nurses could be a major taxing career because of the requirements in this field, such as working, lifting patients, stretching, bending, and also it may require long days and varies different schedules. Another thing is that the nurses that are employed by the hospital or extended hours the facilities that frequently working twelve hour shifts or are on call duties. They may even have to work night, weekends or maybe even holidays. University of Phoenix2) The education that is required to become a CNA is Medical and Health Professions Studies, Nursing Assistant or Patient Care Assistant Studies and Nursing profession. The minimum eligibility requirements must be a high school graduate or have completed the GED. (University of Phoenix2) There are different types of degrees, there’s a masters degree which would involve taking a Master of Science in Nursing, MS in Nursing- Family Nurse Practiti oner, MS in Nursing-Informatics, MS in Nursing and Health Administration, MS in Nursing and Health Care Education MS in Nursing and MBA in Health Care Management.For a bachelor degree which would involve taking BS in Health Administration, LPN to BS in nursing, LVN to BS in nursing, RN to BS in nursing. For an associate you would need just an AA in Health Care Administration. And for non degree you would need to take a Post Masters certificate-Family Nursing practitioner, Nursing Health Care Education Certificate. (LPN programs1) The way to start out with becoming a LPN is to finish a training program, which can be found in vocational schools or community colleges.This training can take up to one year and would require a GED or high school degree. The programs that you want to enroll in need to be approved or accredited by your state’s Board of Nursing so that you can be qualified to practice the professions after graduation. The (LPN prgrams2) LPN programs can take up to 1-2 years, which also includes training at any community hospital or health care facility. The courses that you would be taking will include a CPR class, psychiatric nursing, and nutrition, medical surgical nursing, medical calculation, pediatric nursing, physiology, and anatomy.After you complete your LPN Degree Requirements, you will need to pass a certified exam called NCLEX-PN. (BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS5) As for an RN there are three different paths: Bachelor’s of science degree in nursing (BSN), and associate degree in nursing (AND), and a diploma. The BSN programs are offer by colleges and universities, which can take up to 4 years to complete. As for AND program, which is offered by community and junior colleges can take up to 2 or 3 years to complete.And as for the diploma program, you can administer in hospitals and this can take up to3 years to complete. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS6) to obtain a license in this area you must pass the National Council Licensure Examinat ion or is also known by the NCLEX-RN test. Now salary wise and CNA makes $8 to $16 an hour. The median wage that a CNA can make is $12 an hour but hospitals in major cities often pay more than facilities in smaller centers. For an LPN can earn 16. 48 per hour and the median wage they can earn is 19. 1 per hour but the most that an LPN can make an hour is 22. 85 per hour. And as for a RN, an RN can make 25. 54 per hour. The median wage that an RN can make per hour is 30. 70 and the most would be 37. 05 per hour. Each level of nursing makes different amounts hourly depending on how experienced you are in the career. I chose this career because I enjoy helping others and it’s a career that will always be around no matter what and nurses will always be needed. Work Cited Rios, Samantha J. Personal Interview. 27, Oct. 2010

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Literacy Autobiography Essay

I have come a long way down my road of knowledge and learning of English throughout my life and it has taken me places and shown me things I would have never expected when I first started out on this long journey, and it includes things that most other student’s do not. I have learned so much, so fast and it has taken me far from home and around the world. While most of the people I know have traveled the same road their whole lives and have grown up in very similar ways, my experiences tell a whole different story. I was born and raised as a child in Beijing, China and grew up around people that spoke mandarin Chinese all the time. Mandarin was my primary language growing up as a child, I learned how to read and write when I first started school and I have been speaking Mandarin for twenty years now. This was my first challenge I faced about learning because it takes so much memorization and practice to learn such a vast language and there were times when I thought I couldn’t do it but I got help from my parents and my teachers. At times I wanted to give up because my teachers would get mad at me for saying or writing the wrong thing. I remember a certain memory in third grade of being called to the board to spell the word â€Å"student†, but I spelled it incorrectly and I’ll never forget because the whole class laughed at me and the teacher was very disappointed. But I knew I couldn’t give up and with enough time and effort I began to get good at writing essays and reading books in Chinese. As I progressed in school they started teaching English along with Mandarin because it is such an important language to the world and widely used and this just added to the challenge of being a successful student. With more help from my parents and teachers I started to learn enough English to read my first book, which was Forest Gump, which I really liked and it also became one of my favorite movies. I continued on through school learning more and more of both languages and in high school things got even more complicated. I went to a very competitive high school and the teachers were very hard on us so many more hours of studying were required in order to meet the grades I was expected to reach. It was when I was in high school that I finally decided what I wanted to do with my life and it was to pursue a career in business in the United States of America. My father was a successful military man in China but I knew that was something I did not want to follow. Growing up I heard so many great things about America and saw many things on TV and I knew that was where I wanted to find a career and become successful. But in order to meet such a large goal I knew I had to strengthen my English and work much harder. So I looked at all my options available to me and I found a program at the University of Texas at Austin called, English as a Second Language (ESL), where I could learn English and also learn its culture at the same time. Uninterested in a future in the military, like my dad, and high hopes for a future in business, I decided to give the ESL program a try and move to America where so many more opportunities would be available to me and be given a chance to become a lot more successful. My mom also played a big role in my decision because she too chose to move to America and she had so many great things to say about it. Moving to Austin, TX and being at UT was a huge change for me and opened my perspective to a lot new things that I had never even known before. The school there was like nothing I’d ever experienced before and I had to learn a whole new language in a short amount of time, while at the same time adapt to a whole new culture. The ESL program was the most drastic change in my life because it changed many things for me including my culture, literature, interests, and personality. I had to learn a whole new set of guidelines of learning but I worked hard and it paid off and I continue to use everything I have learned these past few years in order to succeed at UTPA and return to UT Austin where I can pursue a future in business. Although I’ve spent years studying English, I still feel like I’m a step behind everybody else because of the difficulty I have with reading and writing. It’s not as difficult for the people that have English as their primary language, but as they talk and write they also comprehend the meaning behind everything that is being communicated. But growing up in a different country this is a huge obstacle for me because even though i have learned to read and write like all the others, I can’t comprehend the meanings behind it as fast as other people can. This has proved to be a big challenge for me at the university level and I’ve learned that even though the students are given the same materials as me and the same opportunities, it takes me longer than the other students to figure out what to do with the materials. I have been exposed to the culture here long enough to learn things that will help me to adapt more to my surroundings and make it easier to reach success, such as music. I have always loved music but I have only recently discovered that I can use it to my advantage as a literary device. Once I got to America I fell in love with the pop culture and the music it creates and it became a big part of my life so I started incorporating it into my daily habits. But I found that if I focus rather than just enjoy the rhythm and words, I can learn from the music at the same time. For example, Kanye West is one of my favorite artists and I love the music he makes, but when I focus in more on what he is singing about I can learn things like important subjects in society, grammar they use, current events, and the different meanings and contexts of words I have never heard. I learned many things when moving from China but one of the most useful things I have come to learn is that there is more than what meets the eye and music is more than just music to me now, it is a useful literary device. So I started looking out for more things that could prove to be useful to me and I noticed more helpful things that most students do not even think could benefit their English learning abilities. Like the media for example, people think TV is a waste of time and will not teach you anything more than useless reality TV and lies, but if you focus in more you can learn anything from spelling to new words people use, also called â€Å"slang†. In short, readers construct meaning by building multifacted, interwoven, representations of knowledge. The current text, prior texts, and the reading context can exert varying degrees of influence on this process, but it is the reader who must integrate information into meaning. † (Haas & Flower 168). Haas and Flower explain how it depends on the reader to interpret the text and construct meaning from it and that different people may interpret the meaning differently. And with the varying degrees of influence that texts may have on people has more influence on me because simple things like music and media continue to teach me things that most kids do not even recognize. Education has a whole new meaning to me than other students may have because of all the other obstacles that come with studying in a different culture than the one raised in. Students have little to worry about in my opinion because all they have to worry about is school and how hallenging there classes are, but a student like me has so much more to worry about because even outside of the classroom I am still faced with learning challenges even when it comes to talking with friends. Do I have the same chances as the other students to succeed even though things are more difficult for me? The answer to this question depends greatly on your teacher. â€Å"In a similar fashion, asking to teach â€Å"academic writing† begs the question: which academic writing – what conte nt, what genre, for what activity, context, and audience? FYC teachers are thus forced to define academic discourse for themselves before they can teach it. † (Downs & Wardle 556). I agree with Downs and Wardle by saying that not all teachers are the same, some teachers are more intelligent and more qualified than some of the others out there and that they might define their view of academic discourse differently than others. And if a student is lucky enough to get a teacher with a loose definition of academic discourse and does not ask much of their students then the student has a better chance at success. There are many things that affect a student’s chance at success in the classroom but my question is, does a student in my situation still have a chance at the same opportunities as the other students despite the other student’s head start? In reading the essays and writing this paper I have developed a theory that a student in my situation with a late start in their learning abilities has to go the extra mile in order to adapt to the culture and the learning styles that come with it so that they have the same opportunities as the other students. And I have found that we do have the opportunity and the same chances of success as the other students do, we just have find the tools that will take us that extra mile. In order to find those tools you have to find the patience, determination and will inside yourself to take on the challenge ahead of you, but without these characteristics you will surely fail along the way only to find out that all your time and effort were for nothing. You have to expect that taking on such a challenge is a very difficult task and you have to expect that there will be many bumps along the way. Thinking it will be an easy road to follow and not anticipating any trouble will also bring you failure in the end. So not only do students in my situation have to physically work harder by studying and devoting their time to learning, but they also have to mentally prepare themselves for the challenge and any bumps you may find along the way. With time I have learned some things that help my literature and help me to become a better writer and student of English just by simply listening to music or watching what’s on TV. I knew I needed as much practice and help as I could get and I also knew how much I loved music and reality TV, so with my theory of my new literacy practices in mind I put the two together and practice this all the time to sharpen my skills. I can’t say this solution will work for everybody in a situation similar to mine but I do know that if you keep an open mind it will be easier to develop practices that fit your specific style of learning just as I did. There’s something out there that will fit your certain learning style but you just have to be patient and it will come to you eventually. I will close my theory with a question, if a student grows up in a different culture with a different way of learning things, can he still achieve the goals he sets for himself even though he is adapting to a different culture and way of learning at the same time?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Social Justice The Catholics Social Teachings on Justice

Social Justice The Catholics Social Teachings on Justice Introduction According to Our Ladys Parish (2012), God, who is regarded as the father of humankind, is just; therefore, the same is expected from His creation. Life is God-given and sacred. In this case, all human beings should strive to avoid activities that bring suffering and oppression to God’s creation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social Justice: The Catholic’s Social Teachings on Justice specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Imprisonment is a form of oppression when it is not implemented in a right way to correct individuals. To some extent, imprisonment brings sadness and humiliation. It should be the last alternative after other ways of solving a certain crime have failed. The Catholic Church is concerned with social injustices and has contributed a lot towards curbing crime through alternative ways other than imprisonment. The church also seeks to instill value in the prisoners’ lives thr ough teachings and practices that accept prisoners as people who deserve to be treated with dignity (Windley-Daoust, 2007). The Catholic’s social teachings on justice Courts of law should exercise justice Suspects should be given a chance to prove their innocence. It is sad for people to spend their lives in prison for crimes they did not commit. Judges should be fair in sentencing people by proving them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. More often than not, people in Australia find themselves in prisons, not for being convicted, but due to delayed trials. This is sad and unfair. The Catholic Church views this as injustice because the prison becomes a place for distress and misery other than rehabilitation. Such situations will only lead to increased criminal activities because those with morals may end up being corrupted through associating with criminals (Clayton, 2004). The church advocate for fast trials so that if convicted a person does not spend an unnecessary long per iod in jail. It also suggests that trivial matters be addressed through other means such as juvenile centers for the underage law breakers and rehabilitation centers for the adults (MacBrien, 1994).Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A jail should be a place for restoration of self-worth to prisoners While serving their terms, prisoners should be engaged in activities that will help them become useful once they are freed. However, it is critical for the prisoners to be taught about God’s perception of sin and what is expected of them as Christians. The church suggests that every punishment administered to a wrong doer must have a rehabilitative purpose. This can be done through offering trainings and skills that will prove useful and give them a starting point once their terms are over. These skills and technology restore the prisoners self-worth because they ar e able to contribute to the economy (McBrien, 1994). Issues that lead to criminal activities should be addressed Some crimes are committed out of sheer carelessness or even brief associations with wrong doers, and we can call them temptations. Nevertheless, these temptations see people spend years in prisons, yet if given a chance; they could be corrected through mere dialogues. In this case, the church has solved by addressing issues that lead to criminal activities like drug abuse that leads to mental instability this is solved by campaigns against drug use. The church has advocated for equal distribution of employment opportunities to help eradicate poverty which increases crime. Some solutions to criminal activities that the church suggests are like engaging people in prolonged learning activities. Also, it includes the provision of institutions for mental services and community based projects, as well as economic support to marginalized communities (Our Ladys Parish, 2012). Ano ther major cause of crime is the negative influence. In this case, the church offers guidance to offenders and educates them on which aspect to look for in friends and associates.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social Justice: The Catholic’s Social Teachings on Justice specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This helps them not to fall back to their old habits that caused them trouble. Instead, the offenders choose and develop relationships with people who add value to their lives and improve their self-worth. Forgiveness should be practiced and extended to wrong doers as well Christians often fall into temptations and break the commandments and ask for forgiveness from God. Therefore, in order to be forgiven, Christians must also forgive. According to the Catholic faith, all humans are equal before Gods eyes. This is evident during creation as all people were created in Gods own image, and salvation to the world w as provided for all people. Christians should have mercy and love to others since all people belong to the same God. This is a practice that shows that they care about the social well-being of other individuals in the society. The Catholic Church encourages people to opt for forgiving one another, and thus cases of people suing their fellow humankind and exposing them to prison life will be less. Turning around the situation and addressing the main reason as to why people commit certain crimes and assisting to solve the problem will improve the situation. This will reduce the number of people suffering in prison as well as improve others’ lives and morals among the societies. Reconciliation brings healing and restores harmony and good social relationships in the society (Massaro, 2000). Prisoners should be involved in Christian faith during and after their sentences Christian values should be practiced by all whether in prison or not. The Catholic Church has done this by the foundation of churches in prison and established rehabilitation institutions for them once they are free.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These institutions offer an opportunity for transition from jail into the community by offering jobs, trainings, and accommodation before they can support themselves or re uniting them with their families and counseling (Weigert Kelley, 2004). Chaplains have spent time with prisoners offering them spiritual guidance and celebrations through sacraments. This makes the prisoners feel loved, be less remorseful, and restores their dignity. The church views the prison as an avenue for campaigning law and order. The church encourages families to support their people in prison through visiting them. This also encourages the prison officers to preserve their dignity and promotes brotherly love amongst them. Most important of all is receiving them back into the community and church once they are through with their sentences (Massaro, 2000). Prisoners should not be perceived as outcasts but treated with compassion When one is imprisoned, this is not an indication that the individual has chos en to be evil. Prisoners are human beings, and deserve understanding and empathy. We all belong to the same father, and this should bring us closer to become brothers and sisters in Christ. Therefore, judging other people whether Christians or not is wrong. Christians should learn the needs of prisoners, their loved ones, and the officers who take care of the prisoners. Learning their needs will help Christians know how to approach them. This will enable Christians to educate the prisoners on Christianity and what do so as to a void getting in prison in the future. If Christians interact with prisoners while helping them, the Christians teach by examples and not theory. Therefore, this is bound to be effective, as opposed to just preaching to the prisoners (Massaro, 2000). The church urges the society to show such compassion through visiting them in prison and helping them start a fresh on leaving jail. Christians should preach peace to improve law and order The rest of the world is complaining about the deterioration of morals and increasing rate of crime. On the other hand, Christians are expected to stand by their values and teach obedience to the state law despite the political environment and economic conditions experienced. The difference between the human persons goodness and a Christian is the dignity whose foundation is Christ. This means that the church’s social mission is connected with the gospel (Whitmore, 2005). A Christian is expected to be just in order to preach the gospel about justice. Therefore, they should lead by examples by first being law abiding citizens before extending these values to the rest of society. When Christians identify themselves with prisoners, they see Christ through the prisoners and this contributes to obedience because they are likely to practice these values after their sentences. The church has given Christians the liberty to participate in political and economic activities that aim at improving peoples lives . In turn, this encourages the government to listen to religious views on social justice and give citizens freedom of religion. It results to states that are united and have one goal towards common good and opposing injustice (Pennock, 2007). The church and formulation of some policies in the government Some of the reasons why crime has increased are due to the economic situations and political activities that oppress people. The church looks into issues like the right to job access to people through just employment and wages, freedom to religion, and issues like democracy in politics. In addition, the church focuses on establishing equity among the various socio-economic classes of people in the society. The church also fights for respect to views founded by religion and influenced by the church. Through this, Christians have been able to identify their social responsibility and influence to the state in maintaining social justice. This has enabled them to participate in fighting s ocial injustices such as corruption and racism as well as promote human rights. If Christian love binds the nations, then selfish activities evident in hunger for power and exaggerated profits will be minimize. Also, the poor will get a share if resources are distributed equally, and thus temptations to crime will also be minimal. The church differs with the states opinion of making jails brutal and unbearable as a strategy that deprives prisoners of their dignity (De Berri Hug, 2003). Conclusion Social justice is not a responsibility of the state judiciaries, but the whole society. If all people exercised social responsibility and stood together as the body of Christ, the level of criminal activities would be low. This would lead to a better society that pleases Christ. It helps improve the social well-being because the state is dependent on the society which includes the Christians. According to the church, getting tough on the crime is not the solution. Creating a long term alte rnative to imprisonment is usually encouraged. In addition, church suggestions can only be done through concentrating on the causes and prevention of crime. Punishment only results into increased violence and impunity. Reference List Clayton, M. (2004). Social Justice. Malden, Mass. u. a.: Blackwell. De Berri, E Hug, J. (2003). Our best kept secret and an evolving social message. In Catholic social teaching: Our best kept secret. Maryknoll: Orbis Books Washington Center of Concern. Pp. 3-11. MacBrien, R.P. (1994). Catholicism. New York: Harper SanFrancisco. Massaro, T. (2000). Nine key themes in Catholic social teaching in Living justice: Catholic social teaching in action Living justice: Catholic social teaching in action. Oxford: Sheed Ward. pp.113-167. Massaro, T. (2012). Living justice: Catholic social teaching in action. Lanham, Md: Rowman Littlefield Publishers. McBrien, R. (1994). The ongoing development of Catholic social doctrine. In Catholicism. San Francisco: Harper S an Francisco. pp. 912-916. Our Ladys Parish (2012). Social Justice Statement 2011-2012. Web. Pennock, M. (2007). Catholic social teaching: Learning living justice. Notre Dame, Ind: Ave Maria Press. Weigert, K. M., Kelley, A. K. (2004). Living the Catholic social tradition: Cases and commentary. Lanham, Md: Rowman Littlefield Publishers. Whitmore, T.D. (2005). Catholic social teaching: Starting with the common good. In K.M. Windley-Daoust, J. (2007). Primary source readings in Catholic social justice. Winona, MN: Saint Marys Press.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Difference Between Public, Charter and Private Schools

Difference Between Public, Charter and Private Schools Public, private, and charter schools all share the same mission of educating children and young adults. But theyre different in some fundamental ways. For parents, choosing the right kind of school to send their children to can be a daunting task. Public Schools The vast majority of school-aged children in the U.S. receive their education in Amercas public schools. The first public school in the U.S., Boston Latin School, was founded in 1635, and most of the colonies in New England established what was called common schools in the following decades. However, many of these early public  institutions limited enrollment to male children of white families; girls and people of color generally were barred. By the time of the American Revolution, rudimentary public schools  had been established in  most states, although it wasnt until the 1870s that every state in the union had such institutions. Indeed, not until 1918 did all states require children to complete elementary school.  Today, public schools provide education for students from kindergarten through 12th grade, and many districts also offer pre-kindergarten classes as well. Although K-12 education is mandatory for all children in the U.S., the age of attendance varies from state to state.   Modern public schools are funded with revenue from federal, state, and local governments. In general, state governments provide the most funding, up to half of a districts funding with revenue usually coming from income and property taxes. Local governments  also provide a large portion of school funding, usually also based on property tax revenue. The federal government makes up the difference, usually about 10 percent of total funding. Public schools must accept all students that reside within the school district, although enrollment numbers, test scores, and a students special needs (if any) may influence which school a student attends. State and local law dictate class size, testing standards, and curriculum. Charter Schools Charter schools are institutions that are publically funded but privately managed. They receive public money based on enrollment figures. Roughly 6 percent of U.S. kids in grades K-12 are enrolled in a charter school. Like public schools, students do not have to pay tuition in order to attend.  Minnesota became the first state to legalize them in 1991. Charter schools are so named because they are founded based on a set of governing principles, called a charter, written by parents, teachers, administrators, and sponsoring organizations. These sponsoring organizations may be private  companies, nonprofits, educational institutions, or individuals. These charters typically outline the schools educational philosophy and establish baseline criteria for measuring student and teacher success.   Each state handles charter school accreditation differently, but these institutions typically must have their charter approved by a state, county, or municipal authority in order to open. If the school fails to meet these standards, the charter may be revoked and the institution closed. Private Schools Private schools, as the name implies, are not funded with public tax dollars. Instead, they are funded primarily through tuition, as well as private donors and sometimes grant money. About 10 percent of the nations children are enrolled in K-12 private schools. Students who attend must either pay tuition or receive financial aid in order to attend. The cost of attending a private school varies from state to state and may range from about $4,000 per year to $25,000 or more, depending on the institution. The vast majority of private schools in the U.S. have affiliations with religious organizations, with the Catholic Church operating more than 40 percent of such institutions. Nonsectarian schools account for about 20 percent of all private schools, while other religious denominations operate the remainder. Unlike public or charter schools, private schools are not required to admit all applicants, nor are they required to observe some federal requirements such as the Americans with Disabilities Act unless they receive federal dollars. Private schools may also require compulsory religious education, unlike public institutions.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Impact of Technology on Employee Training Research Paper

Impact of Technology on Employee Training - Research Paper Example Technology may include software programs or hardware which get incorporated into organizations. For maximum production, employees need to get trained on the new technology. As organizations invest in new technology, so does employee training become necessary (Daft, 2009). Training and IT departments in organizations get involved with provisioning the employees with the necessary techniques required for handling the technology. Management and stakeholders want to see technology acquired implemented in the organization, and it is therefore, necessary for employees to get trained. This paper will discuss the impact of technology in employee training. Importance of employee training When a firm acquires new technology, it is vital for the company to train its employees to ensure the overall success of the technology getting incorporated. Below are reasons as to why employee training is beneficial to an organization incorporating new technology: Employee training assists in maximizing the potential of the technology. If the employees become aware of using the new technology, they will get to use it to its maximum potential. This will only serve to benefit the organization as there will be increased efficiency (Daft, 2009). Proper training ensures that employees become willing to change and adopt newer ways of the firm’s operation (Kleynhans, 2006). ... If employees get to understand the benefits of the new technology through training, it gets easier to revolutionize the organizations technological needs. Employee training Employees within an organization get trained using various approaches to enlighten them on new technology. Training may get conducted internally or externally. Internal training gets carried out by the IT or training departments within the organization (Cornelius, 2001). External training gets conducted by an external consultant or the supplier of technology. The traditional method of training has always been classroom based. This approach towards training proves to fall short in addressing the challenges raised by the technology introduced in the organization. Class room based training falls short in addressing the personal needs of the training participants. Class room based training takes a holistic approach towards training (Daft, 2009). This traditional method of training does not identify and address individ ual gaps needed by the trainees. It does not explain the perceived benefits to the trainees nor does it take into account the prior knowledge of trainees about the technology. This traditional method of training does not also support maximum knowledge retention among employees as the class room instructions quickly decrease prior to their application in the work environment (Cornelius, 2001). Another training methodology instigated by organizations in incorporating new technology is self learning (Cornelius, 2001). This method involves the employees to learn on the technology by their accord through using it. This method is an ineffective way of training employees. This method is not beneficial to the firm if the technology is to become impacted through the entire organization. This

Friday, November 1, 2019


PRODUCING SELF-COMPACTING USING WASTE MATERIALS - Literature review Example Self-compacting concrete are considered as â€Å"the most revolutionary development in concrete construction for several decades† (EFNARC). The idea of SCC originated in Japan and has been adapted to other nations such as Europe. The development of SCC is an economic approach to offset the increasing lack of skill labour. It contributes to the economy such that it offers faster construction, easier placing, reduction of manpower on site, offers flexibility in design, improved durability, better surface finishes, thinner concrete sections and safer working environment. SCC is a practical application for the construction site work and the precast concrete works. The test for the self-compactability of the SCC measures its quality. The contributory factors include, the influence of coarse aggregate depending on spacing size, the role of mortar as the fluid in flowability of the fresh concrete, the role of mortar as the solid particles, and the influence of the coarse aggregate regarding the shape, grading and content. The employment of SCC is beneficial to construction because it eliminates the vibration noise as well it is cost-efficient for the cost of vibration compaction. The wide use of the SCC is an innovation in the concrete construction technology such that the SCC are reliable, durable concrete structures with minimum maintenance requirement (Okamura, and Ouchi, 2003). The development of SCC as a solution to the labour scarcity offered benefits to the structural concrete industry as it develops higher quality concrete with optimum workability and overcomes problems related to dust and noise. The workability property of the SCC is achieved primarily due to the high content of fine aggregates and the chemical mixtures. Various relevant studies are now introduced into the construction industry promoting the use of recycled materials for applications of SCC. This innovation is practically new, where standards of SCC with made up of recycled materials